Aoki Yasumichi |
Tsukuba, KEK Theory Center, Japan |
Topology and axial U(1) symmetry in 2-flavor hot QCD
Astrakhantsev Nikita |
Moscow, ITEP, RF |
Temperature dependence of bulk and
shear viscosities from lattice SU(3) gluodynamics
Boguslavski Kirill |
Jyvaeskylae University, Finland |
Real-time simulations: studying systems far from equilibrium
Bornyakov Vitaly |
Protvino, IHEP and Vladivostok, FEFU, RF |
Lattice QCD at imaginary chemical potential
Braguta Victor |
Moscow, ITEP and Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF |
Lattice study of QCD at nonzero chiral density
Brandt Bastian |
Frankfurt University, Germany |
QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry
Bugaev Kyrill |
Kiev, Bogolubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS, Ukraine |
Fluctuation pattern of Polyakov loop clusters in SU(2) gluodynamics
Faber Manfried |
Vienna, Atominstitut, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria |
The center vortex model of the QCD vacuum : successes and problems
Fischer Christian |
Gießen, University, Germany |
The QCD phase diagram from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Hasegawa Masayasu |
Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF |
Catalytic effects of monopoles in QCD
Iida Hideaki |
Vladivostok, FEFU, RF |
The quark distribution function from lattice QCD
Kotov Andrey |
Moscow, ITEP and Dubna, BLTP of JINR, RF |
Lattice study of the sphaleron rate in gluodynamics
Kerbikov Boris |
Moscow, ITEP, RF |
Sound in quark matter
Kolomoyets Natalia |
Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraina |
Dependence of chromomagnetic field screening on its color components
Martemyanov Boris |
Moscow, ITEP, RF |
Dyons near the transition temperature in SU(3) gluodynamics
Nakamura Atsushi |
Hiroshima University, Japan and Vladivostok, FEFU, RF |
Seminar of the Department "Particles and Fields" of BLTP: Exploring QCD phase structure: Lattice QCD approach and its application to Experiments
Nikolaev Aleksandr |
Vladivostok, FEFU, RF |
Lattice study of dense two-color quark matter at low temperature
Radovskaya Anna |
Moscow, Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, RF |
Quantum corrections to the classical statistical approximation within the Schwinger-Keldysh technique
Roman Rogalyov |
Protvino, IHEP, RF |
Correlations and critical behaviour in SU(2) gluodynamics
Rucci Andrea |
Pisa University, Italy |
Screening masses and quark free energies at small baryonic density X (in 2+1 flavour QCD)
Pawlowski Jan |
Heidelberg, University, Germany |
QCD-Dynamics at finite density and signatures of the critical endpoint
Prokhorov Georgy |
Dubna JINR |
Chiral Vortical Effect and Wigner Function
Zokhov Roman |
Provino, IHEP, IZMIRAN |
Dualities in dense baryonic (quark) matter with chiral and isospin imbalance